Aug 06, 2012

Neist Point

by matt

Neist Point

Neist Point is the furthest westward point on the Isle of Skye. The headland and lighthouse in particular are one of the most widely photographed views in the UK.

It was a particularly overcast and drab day weather-wise when we visited but what a spot. It was spectacular to take in the view even in these lighting conditions. I can easily imagine that with glorious light at sunrise or sunset it would be absolutely beautiful.

Out of shot to the right lie the islands of the Outer Hebrides. You can see for absolutely miles on a clear day but it’s pretty much all ocean.

This is the widest shot I could get with my gear. I wanted to blog this scene in a way that was different to the ‘typical photographed view’ that you’ll have no doubt seen in many places. The Tokina 11mm on my D90 gives an effective focal length of about 16mm on a full frame camera which is pretty good. You can get a fair idea of the surrounding landscape with this shot.