dust off the neutral density filter

Sep 26, 2017

dust off the neutral density filter

by matt

I still love using my big, heavy Nikon DSLR. And I still love all the bits that go with it if I’m going to try and take a landscape photograph properly. For example, the big metal tripod, lens choice(s) of the day, graduated filters, neutral density filter, remote shutter controller, etc. I decided to go back to the spot of the previous photo and take a long exposure of the same little reservoir, albeit from a slightly different spot. I suppose I was trying to compare the old guy with the new kid on the block (plus, I haven’t used the ND filter for absolutely ages as it incurs more faffing around plus using an app on my phone to calculate exposure time). In the end, I like both photographs, but I really like that I had to work much harder to get this one rather than the one taken with the Pixel. I think this just reinforces what I already know and the way that I think about some things in my day to day life. I don’t like to do everything with maximum convenience and ease. I do like to take my time, make an effort and try to do things properly (properly is of course a relative term), and I don’t mind lugging many kilograms of metal uphill to get a photograph of a blooming big pond on a foggy and miserably overcast day.