a favourite

Sep 04, 2020

a favourite

by matt

Probably my favourite pinhole camera image taken yet…
We were on a beautiful stretch of Hauxley Beach just next to the wonderful, adjacent Nature Reserve. A sunny, still morning eased into early afternoon light cloud, with some heavier ones lurking out at sea. I had one panoramic frame remaining on the HP5 loaded in the Reality So Subtle 6×12. After checking exposure and setting up tripod and camera, I asked my wingman to see if he could stand still for 60 seconds on the edge of a patch of some very shallow water. The only time he’s still for that long is if he’s sleeping or glued to one of his agricultural programs about tractors – they are rather good :-) I wasn’t too bothered if he did move during the exposure, as it would probably look quite cool. But to my amazement he stood perfectly still. I was pretty excited to see this negative when I developed it last week. I knew it’d make a great image. One for the wall I think :-)

Ilford HP5 Plus 400

Reality So Subtle