
Jan 06, 2022


by matt

I developed a roll of TMax 400 along with a roll of TriX in Rodinal. I’d rated the TriX at 1600 and shot it on my FM2. The TMax on the other hand was best-effort rated at 200 and shot on my IIIf. For developing both, I used the time for TriX at 1600. This was 13mins for Rodinal 1:25.

I was pretty surprised at the TMax negatives – you’d never be able to tell they had been over exposed by one stop and over developed by more than two stops (the time for TMax 400 at 1600 in Rodinal 1:25 is 11 minutes)! The grain was more pronounced (expected with Rodinal and the longer dev time), but seriously – I expected the negs to be lith and totally lacking in highlight detail, but no. I really do quite like it. I’ll be doing this again.

Don’t be afraid to abuse your black and white film – it can take more than you know! Experiment and give it some, just like the journos used to do back in the day.

Kodak TMax 400

Leica IIIf