Ektar magic

Dec 09, 2018

Ektar magic

by matt

This to me, epitomises what Kodak Ektar 100 is capable of. I’ve not used the film much in the past. It is a film aimed at landscape photographers since it yields wonderful colours if exposed correctly, but needs more light in order to do so because of it’s slow speed (ASA 100). So if it’s anything other than bright sunshine and you want a large depth of field, you’ll normally need a tripod due to slow shutter speeds being required. Here, I shot the scene handheld using a large-ish aperture (relatively shallow depth of field) and as it was quite bright, I managed to use a fast-ish shutter speed to keep camera shake to a minimum. With the Makina, I find that I can handhold shots at 1/60 of a second, but really, as a general rule, I like to try and keep it to 1/125 at a minimum. I think this is my favourite shot taken on Ektar 100 so far. Punchy colours, lovely detail thanks to the film, and of course pin sharp thanks to the amazing glass in the Makina. Pretty happy with this one.

Kodak Ektar 100
