light leak hall of fame

Dec 26, 2020

light leak hall of fame

by matt

One for my light leak hall of fame…
We have a difficult relationship, Lomography 800 and I. I think it’s a great film stock and it’s capable of some beautiful colour rendition, and in low light it’s speed is your friend. But I always end up with frames towards the end of the roll having light leaks. Here’s an untouched scan from Ag photo lab. I always unload the film from the camera in low light and I try to take lots of precautions when sending it off for developing. Unlike every other film stock I’ve used in all my cameras, Lomo 800 is *never* tightly wound when it reaches the end of the roll and when it’s removed from the camera body. It’s loose. It behaves the same on two totally different cameras and systems. The backing paper is never tight and I just know there will be some analogue surprises waiting for me when I get the scans back. Their marketing and sales team must be doing a great job.

Lomography Color 800
