communication history

Sep 26, 2021

communication history

by matt

As we head towards the time when the days have more darkness than light, I can’t help but get excited about the photo opportunities that this time of year brings. The natural light is richer, and less harsh. The days are colder. The nights are longer. The light from sunrise and sunsets lasts longer. The morning frost and mist are round the corner. The crispness under foot and the sipping of hot chocolate in freezing, silent woods is near. Scenes like this have disappeared by 4pm instead of 1030pm, as was the case here back in July. Every season is special, and it’s nice to see and feel the change that each one brings. But now is the time for the light chasers. Those who brave the dark and sometimes bleak, wet and unpleasant early morning starts to find that fleeting moment in time. The time when they stand and capture the glory of the scene that unfolds before them in a light that only Autumn and Winter bring.


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