
Portfolio : BW : 6×6

6x6 is a format that I really connected with after purchasing a Yashica Mat 124G. There was something about the square format that I really, really liked. It was nothing to do with being hip or retro-cool, or social media, etc. I just found it easier to visualise photographs and compose them in square format, and I felt I could work with the scene better with a 1:1 aspect ratio. I think my photography grew when I started using 6x6, and when I added a Bronica SQA to my collection I felt like I had the tools I needed to start creating my own serious analogue work and portfolio images.

I shoot colour and black and white on 6x6, but black and white is what I find myself using the most and what I enjoy the most. It feels traditional and I like that. Using black and white also means I can print in the darkroom which is something I enjoy enormously. Colour has its place, but for me, colour film is reserved for those trips to capture landscape scenes forming a body of work where the colours themselves are a strong and integral part of the image or story. Of course black and white images are just as capable of rendering stunning landscape scenes, and black and white often lends itself better to texture and shadow compared to colour. It's all down to personal preference.

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